Monday 21 November 2011

Final Script of Teaser Trailer - Detailed Planning and Dialogue

Detailed Planning
Scene 1
The car is travelling down the road towards the point of impact with the boy, at this moment the boy is unaware of the cars presence. There is a small amount of dialogue in this scene.
This is the road we plan on using in our trailer as it will hopefully be quiet and also there will be little interruptions in terms of people walking up and down getting in the shot of the camera.
The shot size will show the road and the boy, and the car coming towards the boy. The camera movement will show a variety of different shots and views to offer different perspectives. The camera angle will be canted at moments to add effect. The lighting will be from daylight but it will be getting dark, which will bring tension.
The setting will be on a road near the school so it is easy to get to and looks more realistic as to a sixth former walking home. There will be a variety of props, such as the car and a mp3 player/mobile phone in order to set the scene that the boy is not concentrating on crossing the road but instead worrying about his music.

Scene 2
It is set in the evening, the boy has been killed in the car accident, there is limited dialogue in this scene but the boy will make a sound on impact and the driver will be panicking.
The shots are going to be close-ups of the car's point of view and the boys view of the car. The camera will be moving along showing the boys narrative and the drivers narrative in quick cuts of each narrative, the camera will cut out when boy is hit to suggest it was from his perspective and the blacked out screen reflects a negative connotation of the boys death. There will be lighting from daylight but it will be getting dark.
The setting is on a road by the school, props will include the car, and actors will be wearing casual clothes, this scene will take place with quiet mysterious music in the background, and it will climax on the point of impact with the child. The sound effects will be the screeching of the car and the impact on the boy.

Scene 3
Scene 3 is set in the daytime where the driver is walking through a relatively crowded area and is suddenly pushed into a bin by an unknown force, a little dazed and confused he stands up, brushes himself off and accuses one of the crowd of teenagers that are laughing at him. the diagetic sound from this scene comes from the driver falling over a bin and people laughing at him, in which he shares dialogue with them.
The length of the shot will be an mid-longshot, where the camera will be following the driver, assuming that it is from the ghosts perspective, it will go really close to the driver and that is when the driver will fall over the bin. The lighting will be from the sunlight. 
The setting will be in the school playground, and the props will be the bin, costumes required are casual clothes for the driver and school uniforms for the children laughing.

This is the school playgorund that will be used, the bins that will be props are located in the middle of the playground.

Scene 4
Scene 4 is where the driver is in his house and things are being moved around when he is not looking which makes him nervous but confused, the dialogue is of the driver panicking, whilst running around the house.

The starting shot will be an establishing shot of the house, then moving on to close-ups in the house. The camera will be following the driver around the house and capturing his reaction to the discovery he makes when he notices things are being shuffled about. There will be a variety of angles tracking the objects that have been moved around the house. The lighting will come from the lights on in the house as the scene will take place at night time.
This is the house I plan on using for all our scenes located in a house environment.
The setting is in the drivers house, the props in use are everything that is moved about the house, the clothing will be casual for the driver and the music will be fast paced and dramatic.

Scene 5
This scene takes place inside the drivers bathroom, where he will be having a shave and he will bend down to wash his face and as he looks up, back into the mirror he will see the boys face that he killed, in seeing this he will jump backwards in fright and realise that it was the ghost that has been tormenting him. The sound in this scene will be of the driver having a wash/shave then when the ghosts face appears a loud shocking non-diagetic sound will ring out followed by a lot of screaming and shouting from the driver.
The length of the shot will be a close-up of the driver in the mirror with the camera being directly over the shoulder of him.
The setting is in the drivers house, the props will be the mirror, shaving equipment and the sink with the water in, the driver will be dressed in pyjamas as he will be getting ready for bed.

Scene 6
This is the final scene where the driver gets dragged along the floor by the ghost, the dialogue used is the driver screaming.
The shot sizes will be average, just big enough to show the driver being dragged at a close angle, the lighting will come from lights switched on in the house.
It is set inside the drivers house on a landing/corridor, with menacing non-diagetic music and the sound effects of the ghost screeching.

Scene 1
Driver: I look good today (looking in mirror). (notices phone ringing) but why does she keep ringing me? I've had enough of this girl!

Scene 2
Driver: (When boy is hit) oh shit, where the hell did he come from! I didn't see him, he came out of nowhere. (Beginning to drive off) Fuck this I'm not getting caught.

Scene 3
(After the driver has been knocked into the bin)
Driver: who did that?
(Notices a group of teenagers laughing at him, he grabs one of them)
Driver: It was you, wasn't it? 
Teenage boy: No!
(A teacher sees this and stops it) 
Teacher: What is going on here!
Driver: He pushed me into the bin
Teacher: I don't care, let him go!
Driver: (gritted teeth) yes miss
Teacher: Now go to my room

Scene 4
(sees objects moving around his house)
Driver: oh my god, what is going on, shit, this is weird!

Scene 5
(Humming to himself until he notices ghost behind him)
Driver: arghh, what! It's you!? But your supposed to be dead, I saw you die, I killed you! So how are you here, just leave me alone you bastard!

Scene 6
(Driver is being dragged down the landing)
Driver: ohh my god! oh my god! Let go, get off me! Why aren't you dead??

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