Thursday 29 September 2011

Research into Short Films: "Dipper"

I've been viewing a variety of short films and began to deconstruct and review them and try and categorise them into a genre, which is what I have began to do with "Dipper" which is a drama about a man who is framed for a murder he didn't commint, it is set out as a normal day in a normal town centre, the plot follows a thief who targets specific prey (looks like they are carrying money or wealthy looking) before pouncing. However during the film he makes the fatal mistake of under estimating his target, which leads to him getting into trouble.

Here is a link to the short film "Dipper" for references on the analysis

Within the film there are lots of eye level camera shots, the shots are directed at bags and pockets, tracking them which gives the impression that it's from the perspective of a thief that is interested in looting someone. There are lots of quick cuts which shows the speed that his mind is working and also reflects his efficiency.

Point of view shots show the thief's objectives/intent 

There are angles of his mouth with extreme close up shots, which shows what he is implying and also portrays an insight into his character.

There are many long shots after this close up but then the camera pans to an extreme close up of the woman's bag by the travel agent which shows his interest.
The long shot establishes the character, which shows he is scruffy and is the centre of attention in the shot. It is also shot at a low angle which shows his dominance and power over the general public. It is very voyeuristic, almost like a documentary, the audience watch him, watching the world.
When the camera shakes when he is walking it shows his intent but highlights his complications as he is trying to manouver through people.
To establish the scene the camera pans around the street.
A two shot shows the "dipper" and the policeman which then leads into a reaction shot from the "dipper" which shows his emotion.

There are a large amount of edits in the film, here are a few listed:
  • Cuts to people which has a strong emphasis on how quickly they are walking and also their body language
  • Zooms on faces
  • The title cuts into the film which conveys a sense of drama
  • A faded effect is used for people in the background which implies they aren't prominent
  • Indents are used when words are spoken and the font changes
  • The word "happiness" spirals out of control which gives across negative connotations and implies that someones happiness is about to be disrupted.
  • Flashbacks are used to link the narrative
  • Fades out to the credits at the end of the film

There isn't much use of effective sound in terms of non-diagetic, there is the themed music throughout and also quiet mysterious music when he is following the woman or when a flashback commences. However sound effects are very prominent throughout such as when he is trying to find a target and is scouring the area. 

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