Friday 16 September 2011

Short Film Review - How To Tell When A Relationship Is Over In 90 Seconds

"How To Tell When A Relationship Is Over In 90 Seconds" is a very funny comedy, it is a light hearted and quirky comedy and is simply boy meets girl, boy gets girl, girl gets sick of boy, boy gets sick of girl. Big fight. The End. It is very appealing to the audience as it is one of only a few short films that actually has the capability to dazzle the viewers. This is by far one of the best short films around as it is engaging and also attractive to watch. It's a film that you could watch over and over again and not get tired of it as there is around 15 different scenario's that take place in approximately 90 seconds so it is impossible to take in everything in just one viewing and will probably take around 4-5 viewings to catch all the jokes. It is sheer comedy genius and is worth 5 out of 5 stars.

here is a link to the film

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