Monday 26 March 2012

3) Audience Feedback Interview - Evaluation - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I thought it would be engaging for audiences watching my film to be interviewed afterwards. This would also add variety where I am gathering audience feedback and it would also be a change from handing out dull questionnaires that people would answer with minimal thought put in. With an interview after viewing of the film, people would put more effort into their answers as they will be on the spot but they will go into more detail than filling in a questionnaire. Furthermore, interviews offer other ways of showing the journey I have taken and how much I have learnt since AS, as it shows other forms of media technology I have used in terms of developing my feedback and drawing positives and negatives from my film and what I would change if I were to do it again.

Here is a interview for part of my audience feedback for question 3 of my evaluation:

It is clear, the video shows positives that the film was up to a good standard with clever camera angles, intuative editing with the car accident and during the scene with me playing the computer game, in portraying where the scene is cut and shows the death of Stephen it was described as "good". Also they suggested that the film was 4 and a half to 5 stars which pleased me greatly as it was seen as a great movie in the eyes of others.

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