Wednesday 14 March 2012

2) Evaluation - Ancillary tasks - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I decided to use these as my final products due to the fact of they look realistic and professional like you would find them in a real magazine or the poster being advertised on a billboard or along a bus perhaps. I decided against previous designs as they were at times unrealistic and did not look conventional for a magazine review or a film poster, this may have been down to colour schemes working poorly against backgrounds or not being eye-catching enough, or another change such as the fonts used and the original size of them.
Final version of film review - this was decided to be my final copy as the colour schemes are unique but still professional looking. I have differed from the usual colour scheme of red and black which is normally found across a variety of film magazines such as Empire and Total Film and decided to go for blue, white and black which I feel works rather well and still looks and feels like a review throughout reading. Furthermore the text I originally used was sometimes hard to distinguish and it was not comfortable to read, so I then changed it to something that was easier to read and looked more professional in a magazine. I aimed for my review to have some light-hearted elements as people want to enjoy reading it and do not want to become bored whilst reading which is why I carefully took time at creating "FUNFACTS" and the caption for the main image "What are you looking at?" as I realised a joke could be made in my body language and my facial expression towards the camera looks intimidating and threatening. The "EXCELLENT" positioned at an angle is eye-catching and different, I tried to make it look like it had been stamped on and was a one off rating which I feel looks successful. I put a quote in the middle of the review "you really get the feeling that M&M have gone all out with this project" I put this quote in as I felt it was the most powerful part of the review and really enforces what a success the film will be.

Final version of film poster - I decided to chose this as my final version and have a landscape poster instead of a portrait  one as it is less common and would give my poster a more interesting look with a sense of uniqueness. I also really liked the image which was taken as a landscape photo so I could not really have this as a portrait poster as the image looked stretched. I decided to go for this image as my final one as it showed Stephen in a menacing way and I looked distressed and also anxious, this was also a perfect image as it stuck with the premise of the film and also the audience can get a grasp of what the film will be about my just looking at the poster, and it will hopefully encourage them to view it. The film received a 15 certificate due to "SUSTAINED THREAT THROUGHOUT" as there are some dramatic scenes in the film that could affect younger people. I chose to use that specific font for the title of the film as it looked creepy and mysterious which will build up questions before people have even viewed the film and would increase their appetite to watch the film. Finally I chose Channel 4 to present our film as researched who were big at investing in short films and noticed that Channel 4 were one of the best for doing this. I also noticed that they often show their short films at early hours on a Sunday morning so therefore I chose a time of 3.55am on 13 May to screen it as it stuck with the conventions of Channel 4 short films and the times they are aired on television.

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